Mastering Deep Learning with Neural Networks

Deep learning utilizing neural networks is the mechanism that allows Facebook to recognize faces in photos and Skype to do real-time speech translation. Software developers who wish to remain on the cutting edge need to understand what neural networks are, how they work, how to build them, and how to operationalize them. In this landmark series, Ph.D. data scientist Mark Tabladillo covers the theory of neural networks as well as their implementation using popular libraries such as TensorFlow and CNTK.

Course Title Author Duration Topic(s)
Introduction to Deep Learning Mark Tabladillo 01:11:16 Neural Networks, Deep Learning
Building Neural Networks with TensorFlow Mark Tabladillo 00:57:50 TensorFlow, Neural Networks, Deep Learning
Building Neural Networks with MXNet Mark Tabladillo 01:12:14 Neural Networks, MXNet, Deep Learning
Building Neural Networks with CNTK Using a Data Science Virtual Machine Mark Tabladillo 01:11:51 Cognitive Toolkit, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, CNTK
Building Neural Networks with CNTK Using Apache Spark and Azure HDInsight Mark Tabladillo 00:41:56 Cognitive Toolkit, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, CNTK
Introduction to Keras Mark Tabladillo 01:01:22 Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Keras