Mastering Microsoft Cognitive Services

Microsoft Cognitive Services is a set of cloud-based intelligence services and APIs for building richer, smarter, and more sophisticated applications. The product of years of ongoing research from data scientists and AI experts at Microsoft, these services and APIs offer a range of capabilities to app developers, from generating captions and search metadata for photos and recognizing faces and emotions in videos to performing sentiment analysis on social media posts and translating speech in real time. Learn all about Cognitive Services and how to employ them in your apps in this comprehensive series.

Course Title Author Duration Topic(s)
Microsoft Cognitive Services: The Computer Vision API Scott Peterson 00:50:46 Cognitive Services, Computer Vision API
Microsoft Cognitive Services: The Face API Scott Peterson 00:51:32 Face API, Cognitive Services
Microsoft Cognitive Services: The Emotion and Text Analytics APIs Scott Peterson 00:59:59 Text Analytics API, Cognitive Services, Emotion API
Microsoft Cognitive Services: LUIS and QnA Maker Scott Peterson 00:59:32 Cognitive Services, LUIS
Microsoft Cognitive Services: Search API Scott Peterson 00:52:52 Cognitive Services
Microsoft Cognitive Services: Translation APIs Scott Peterson 00:52:58 Cognitive Services
Microsoft Cognitive Services: Video Indexer Scott Peterson 00:53:00 Cognitive Services
Microsoft Cognitive Services: Custom Vision Service Scott Peterson 00:59:07 Cognitive Services, Neural Networks
Microsoft Cognitive Services: Project Cuzco Scott Peterson 00:44:40 Microsoft Cognitive Services
Microsoft Cognitive Services: Project Wollongong Scott Peterson 00:43:27 Microsoft Cognitive Services
Microsoft Cognitive Services: Entity Linking Intelligence Service Scott Peterson 00:40:36 Cognitive Services